Rainbow Child Development Center began when two sisters started a home daycare that has now grown massively over the years to large daycare centers throughout Prince George’s County, Maryland, and has continued teaching and preparing thousands of children throughout the years.
We strive to be guides and role models for your children to develop their own unique strengths, enhance their potential, as well as teach them new skills that will benefit them when they become contributing members of society

Our Mission
Our mission is to provide the best care and education for your child in a loving, nurturing, healthy, and safe environment. We believe that guidance from skilled, trained teachers and caregivers promotes your child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development.
Our age-appropriate programs encourage imagination and natural love of learning. Carefully selected learning materials, along with our trained staff combine to enhance children’s skills and help each child develop social and cognitive abilities through guided learning experiences.
It is our daily mission to have a positive impact on the life of each child that attends Rainbow Child Development Center.
Center Environment
Our Center environment is clean, safe, and well planned. The furniture, playground equipment, toys, and educational items have been chosen for their safety, educational value, and superior quality. Areas have been designated for children’s art so their creative work can be appreciated and can become a source of pride to your child.
We are very concerned about the safety of your child. Closed-circuit cameras are installed in various areas of the building including all classrooms, playgrounds, corners of the building, and the front door. The monitors are located in the main lobby. The receptionist mans the monitors on a continuous basis. Parents are welcome to observe their child via the monitor or directly in the classroom.
Every classroom has child-sized furniture, equipment, toilets, and sinks which allow your child to develop self-reliance in taking care of his or her personal needs. Your child’s experiences will be enriched by an abundance of equipment such as toys, games, record players, and books. The children will work and play together in small groups in the discovery centers around their room. These discovery centers offer block play, housekeeping, dramatic play, reading, quiet play, science, and art, allowing your child to be involved in meaningful, self-directed activities.
Every classroom has two exits. One exit is leading to the central hallway and the other one leads to the fenced playground area.
- The Center is open from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday.
- Each child should be in care for no more than ten (10) hours per day.
Feel free to send us a message if you have any other concerns.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Rainbow Child’s Educational Philosophy?
From our Vision and Belief Statement:
“In Maryland, all young children will be provided with opportunities that have a positive impact on their success in school. Experiences should promote physical well-being and motor development, social and emotional development, approaches toward learning, language development, and cognitive and general knowledge. The individual needs and strengths of every young child will be continually assessed to facilitate frequent adjustments and supplements to instruction.”
“The young child’s input, reflections, and self-evaluation are essential to the process of assessment. Families, teachers, and others who interact regularly with the young child also contribute to valid assessment techniques. Families, schools, and communities are partners in preparing Maryland’s young children to become life-long learners and contributing members of society.
“Fundamental to the design of developmentally appropriate assessment systems is the knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of young children. Young children develop in predictable stages of maturity that unfold in the singular, often uneven patterns and rhythms. A unique individual, the young child comes with a history, personality, learning style, culture, and particular strengths and needs-all of which must be considered in planning that child’s education.
“The assessment of young children should promote learning, not simply measure it, Young children can work through activities, solve problems independently, and reflect on their thinking. Young children are active, spontaneous, creative, curious, and capable of self-direction. Therefore, instruction and assessment must capitalize on these qualities.
“Assessments of young children should use a variety of methods, including performance-based assessments, systematic and ongoing observation, and a collection of young children’s work over time. As mentioned before, the assessment should involve parents, caregivers, teachers, and children themselves; it should occur over time in a natural setting and provide equitable opportunities to respond in a variety of modes.
“School readiness is a continuum that begins at birth. These assessments are not intended to label a child, rather, they are meant to provide information about the child’s location on the continuum. The assessments will help identify strengths and needs so that the teachers and families can plan for movement along this continuum. Every child can learn, but only informed planning will enable the child’s unique potential to develop.” (The Maryland Model for School readiness, Primary Assessment Outcomes, and Indicators, Vision and Belief Statement, Definition of School Readiness.1.2)
2. What is NAEYC?
“The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) believes that a high-quality early childhood program provides a safe and nurturing environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of young children while responding to the needs of families. Although the quality of an early childhood program may be affected by many factors, a major determinant of program quality is the extent to which knowledge of child development is applied in the program practices-the degree to which the program is developmentally appropriate.” (Bredekamp & Copple, 1990,1)
Fundamental Values (NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct)
“As stated in NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct, standards of professional practice in early childhood programs are based on the commitment to certain fundamental values that are deeply rooted in the history of the early childhood field.
- Appreciating childhood as a unique and valuable stage of the human life cycle (and valuing the quality of the children’s lives in the present, not just as preparation for the future)
- Basing our work with children on knowledge of child development (and learning)
- Appreciating and supporting the close ties between the child and family
- Recognizing that children are best understood in the context of family, culture, and society
- Respecting the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual (child, family member, and colleague); an
- Helping children and adults achieve their full potential in the context of relationships that are based on trust, respect, and positive regard.” (Feeney & Kipnis 1992,3, as cited in Bredekamp & Copple, 1997,/7).